Thursday, March 22, 2007

Video #9 - Informal music making at Foday Musa Suso's compound, Gambia

Meant to post this one a ways back as well. A few weeks ago at my friend Suso's in Gambia one night some informal music-making went down with his son, daughter, wife, nephew, and family member tba. No particular reason except they felt like it. No audience, not a practice session, just a griot family playing Mandinka repertoire together for fun. Check my Tuesday March 13 post (scroll down to the Wednesday March 7 portion of that post) for more info.


Tiny Orchestra said...

Thanks for these videos, Harris. I arrived here thanks to Alex Hawkins and am definitely going to check in regularly.

Anonymous said...

We need more people in the world having informal music making experiences--how much richer we would all be!